Durrington High School

Going Beyond Our Best through Kindness, Aspiration, Perseverance & Pride

Come and see our school

Open Evening

Thursday 3rd October

6:00pm – 8:00pm

Presentation by the Co-Headteachers in the main hall at 18:10 & 19:00

Open Mornings

Monday 7th October – Friday 11th October 2024

9:00am – 10:00am

Why Team Durrington?

OFSTED Reports

"Pupils are actively encouraged to demonstrate the school’s ‘KAPP’ values of kindness, aspiration, perseverance and pride"

Students Say

I am proud to be a DHS student and I value the opportunities provided because they help us develop as learners and people.

What are Team Durrington's Values?

At Durrington our vision for our students is very clear:

‘Going beyond our best through kindness, aspiration, perseverance and pride’

We have unapologetically high expectations of our students.  This matters, because it enables them to achieve beyond their expectations, which in turn opens up endless opportunities for their future.

Our skilled Year 7 team supports our new students as they embark on their exciting Durrington journey.  At the end of Y7, they will graduate into one of our six houses.  These house teams continue with the same level of care and support as students continue their Durrington journey, from Year 8 through to Year 11.  Our Year 7 and house teams work tirelessly to know and nurture the whole child, whatever their starting point and whatever challenges they may face.

As well as being firmly focused on academic excellence for all, our staff really do go the extra mile and offer students an extensive range of exciting clubs and community activities both inside and outside of the classroom. From computing clubs to mud runs, school musicals to Christmas hampers for the homeless, trips to far flung places, to charity swims, and food donations to singing in care homes; we really do go beyond our best in all that we do both within school and our local community.

We’d love you to come and see for yourselves just how brilliant Team Durrington is!

Students Say

Durrington has made me become more confident in myself by encouraging me to just go for it!


Giving to and caring for others.


Aim high, dream big and believe you can get there.


Digging deep and never giving up.


Being proud of who you are, what you achieve and the success of others.

What does it mean to attend a Research School?

As one of only 32 Research Schools across the country, we are at the forefront of evidence-based teaching, well-being (pastoral care) and behaviour. Research Schools are selected because of their strong track record of using the best available research evidence to embed excellent teaching. It’s for this reason that we lead training and support for other schools across the south-east of England.


From the perspective of our students, being a Research School means that they are taught by highly trained and expert teachers. This matters to us, because we strongly believe that a child’s education is too important to be left to chance. So, rather than teaching our students in a way that we think might work, we use robust research evidence from academics around the world to tell us what is most likely to support learning in the classroom.


This research evidence is then used to inform and shape not only how we teach, but every other aspect of our work as a school. We are committed to this because we believe that our students deserve no less than a world-class education that will help them to become confident, intelligent and successful learners.

Students say

My teachers are so inspiring. They are all experts and know so much about what they teach us which means we are learning so much.

OFSTED Reports

Teachers ensure that lessons are calm and focused. They set clear boundaries and pupils respond well to this. This extends into other areas of the school, such as corridors and social areas, where staff are highly consistent in reinforcing minimum expectations.”

How do our students perform?

We are immensely proud of all our year 11 students who showed such perseverance in achieving a great set of GCSE results this summer.  We pride ourselves on offering the widest possible choice of GCSE options alongside the traditional and very strong core subjects of English, maths and science.  Our results continue to surpass national averages in many areas; again this year the percentage of students achieving a grade 5 (strong pass) in both English and maths continued to be well above national average.  We support every single one of our students to “go beyond their best”.  This gives them the best chance of having the  brightest  future, whatever their chosen career path might be.

2024 Exam Results

2024 Subject results

GCSE (graded 9-1)

How do we support transition?

Parents Say;

My son has settled in seamlessly, I often say you can't tell that he's started a new school. He's happy, really positive about the school and his 'results' from parent's evening demonstrate how well he is doing. Thank you Team Durrington.

Local Authority

West Sussex County Council, County Hall, Chichester, PO19 1RQ

Durrington High School is an Academy and is part of the Durrington Multi-Academy Trust (DMAT).

Durrington High School
The Boulevard, Worthing, West Sussex, BN13 1JX


Email: admin@durring.com

Tel: 01903 244957

Web: durringtonhighschool.co.uk

Visit our website to view our polices and statutory information.

#proudofDHS  #DHSopeneve #TeamDurrington  #KAPP